Arcstar Universal One API


 ■ Users can use Arcstar Universal One APIs as below.
  (For Japan domestic line only)

  ・Arcstar Universal One Contract Detail API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Facility Info API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Traffic Info API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Traffic Alarm API
   - Traffic Alarm Info API
   - Traffic Alarm Register API
   - Traffic Alarm delete API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Traffic Announce API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Circuit Alarm API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Planned Outage Info API(Guarantee Plan)
   - Planned Outage List API
   - Planned Outage Detail Info API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Planned Outage Info API(Best Effort Plan)
  ・Arcstar Universal One Monitoring Suspension API
   - Monitoring Suspension Info API
   - Monitoring Suspension Register API
   - Monitoring Suspension Update API
   - Monitoring Suspension Delete API
  ・Arcstar Universal One Circuit Survey API

 ■ Notice

  To use this API, users need to send mail to Support ( including below information.
  The person in charge of corresponding service will contact you.

  Inquiry About Arcstar Universal One API

   - User information(Company name, Devision, Contact person)
   - Start date of use
   - Purpose of use
   - Contact info (e.g phone number, e-mail,etc..)

Resource URL

 Please use global common domain or individual region domain as below.
 If you want to use the global common domain, depending on the circumstances of your available points, your request connect to the nearest API gateway.1

1.Base Path(Global Load Balance)

2.Base Path(Region)

  • region is jp|us|uk
  • e.g.
  • Specifiable regions will be expanded in the future

Resource Information  

Key Value
Response format JSON
Authentication(OAuth) YES
Bandwidth control #1 YES

Contract Detail

 By using this API, you can get detail information of Contract data of Arcstar Universal One filtered by VPN group ID and service contract ID in JSON format.

  • Applicable to Japan domestic line only.

To get the Contract information

GET /v4/uno/contracts/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId} 

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digit number
String Yes

Example Request

GET /v4/uno/contracts/V12345678/N123456789 
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 addressInfo Address information array No
1-1 addressType Address category
Classification for determining the address type in retaining the address in the address information.
KYS:Contractor Address
STB:Installation Address
String No
1-2 postalNumber Zipcode Int No
1-3 address Address
Address information in Japanese / English notation
String No
1-4 addressCode Address code
Code to identify the address
String No
1-5 banchi1 Address1
Address information1
String No
1-6 banchi2 Address2
Address information2
String No
1-7 banchi3 Address3
Address information3
String No
1-8 building1 Building1
Building information1
String No
1-9 building2 Building2
Building information2
String No
1-10 building3 Building3
Building information3
String No
1-11 samakata Samakata
Receiver information
String No
2 productInfo Product information array Yes
2-1 productName Product name
Name of product code
String No
2-2 productTypeName Product type name
Name of product type code
String No
2-3 productDetailInfo Product detail information array Yes
2-3-1 itemNameProduct Item name_Contract item details
Item ID_Name of contract item details
String No
2-3-2 detailItemValue Detail item value
Item value in detail
String No

Example Result

    "addressInfo": [
        "addressType": "KYS",
        "postalNumber": "1000011",
        "address": "東京都千代田●●1丁目",
        "addressCode": "12345678901",
        "banchi1": "1番6号",
        "banchi2": "",
        "banchi3": "",
        "building1": "●●●日比谷ビル",
        "building2": "",
        "building3": "",
        "samakata": ""
        "addressType": "STB",
        "postalNumber": "1000011",
        "address": "東京都千代田区●●1丁目",
        "addressCode": "12345678901",
        "banchi1": "1番6号",
        "banchi2": "",
        "banchi3": "",
        "building1": "●●●日比谷ビル",
        "building2": "1F",
        "building3": "",
        "samakata": ""
    "productInfo": [
        "productName": "Universal One",
        "productTypeName": "サービス",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "L2",
        "productTypeName": "レイヤー",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "ギャランティ",
        "productTypeName": "プラン",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "メイン(主回線)",
        "productTypeName": "回線利用用途",
        "productDetailInfo": [
            "itemNameProduct": "冗長化グループ番号",
            "detailItemValue": ""
            "itemNameProduct": "VPN番号",
            "detailItemValue": "V12345678"
        "productName": "ギャランティアクセス",
        "productTypeName": "アクセス",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "イーサタイプ(NTTCom光アクセス)",
        "productTypeName": "タイプ",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "Ether",
        "productTypeName": "イーサネット種別",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "全二重",
        "productTypeName": "通信方式",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "10M",
        "productTypeName": "品目",
        "productDetailInfo": []
        "productName": "設置場所情報",
        "productTypeName": "部材",
        "productDetailInfo": [
            "itemNameProduct": "設置場所事業所名",
            "detailItemValue": "●●●日比谷ビル"
        "productName": "L2 設置無",
        "productTypeName": "UNO-T",
        "productDetailInfo": []

Facility Info

By using this API, you can get detail information of Contract data of Arcstar Universal One filtered by VPN group ID,Service contract ID ,Processing type and Information type in JSON format.

Facility Info

GET /v4/uno/nwInfo/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}?ifType=20&infoType=v_unoapi_uno_main

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digit number
String Yes

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
ifType Processing type(This API uses only 20)
e.g. 20
Int Yes
infoType Information type
VPN contract information:vUnoapiUnoMain
VPN contract address information:vUnoapiUnoMainAddress
Information of connection between VPNs:vUnoapiVcon
Address information of connection between VPNs:vUnoapiVconAddress
Filter information of connection between VPNs:vUnoapiVconFilter
Multicast information:vUnoapiMcBase
Multicast sending terminal address information:vUnoapiMcBaseAddress
Address information of users who use multicast:vUnoapiMcMainAddress
Site contract information:vUnoapiUnoBase
Address information of site contract:vUnoapiUnoBaseAddress
DHCP Address information of site contract:vUnoapiUnoBaseDhcp
IP filtering information of site contract:vUnoapiUnoBaseFilter
NAT information of site contract:vUnoapiUnoBaseNat
ToS bit rewrite Information of site contract:vUnoapiUnoBaseTos
ASPMSE usage function information:vUnoapiAspmseUtil
ASPMSE usage address information:vUnoapiAspmseUtilAddress
ASPMSE usage NAT filtering information:vUnoapiAspmseUtilFilter
ASPMSE usage NAT terminal information:vUnoapiAspmseUtilNat

例: vUnoapiUnoMain ※VPN contract information
String Yes

Example Request

GET /v4/uno/nwInfo/V12345678/N123456789?ifType=20&infoType=vUnoapiUnoMain     
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page.

Response Parameters [Common]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 ifType Processing type String No
2 contractId contractId String No
3 resultCode When an abnormal response is returned, a code indicating the error type is returned
※However, "00000000" is returned at normal response
String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoMain"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
4 vUnoapiUnoMain VPN contract information array No
4-1 contractId contractId String No
4-2 addressBorrowingPlan Address borrowing plan String No
4-3 ipv4PlanFreeExists Address design free use exists (IPv4) String No
4-4 vpnConnectionExists Connection between VPNs String No
4-5 internetConnectExists Internet connection exists String No
4-6 internetConnectBand Internet Connect bandwidth String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoMainAddress"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
5 vUnoapiUnoMainAddress VPN contract address information array No
5-1 contractId contractId String No
5-2 addressCodeKind addressCodeKind String No
5-3 addressNameKind addressNameKind String No
5-4 address address String No
5-5 mask mask String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiVcon"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
6 vUnoapiVcon Information of connection between VPNs array No
6-1 contractId contractId String No
6-2 vconContractNumber Contract number between VPN String No
6-3 connectMainContractNumber Communication destination VPN contractnumber String No
6-4 connectContractNumber Communication destination contractnumber String No
6-5 connectVpnNumber Communication destination VPN number String No
6-6 vpnConnectionType vpnConnectionType String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiVconAddress"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
7 vUnoapiVconAddress Address information of connection between VPNs array No
7-1 contractId contractId String No
7-2 addressCodeKind addressCodeKind String No
7-3 addressNameKind addressNameKind String No
7-4 address address String No
7-5 mask mask String No
7-6 vconContractNumber Contract number between VPN String No
7-7 connectMainContractNumber Communication destination VPN contractnumber String No
7-8 connectContractNumber Communication destination contractnumber String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiVconFilter"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
8 vUnoapiVconFilter Filter information of connection between VPNs array No
8-1 contractId contractId String No
8-2 vconContractNumber Contract number between VPN String No
8-3 connectMainContractNumber Communication destination VPN contractnumber String No
8-4 connectContractNumber Communication destination contractnumber String No
8-5 filterSerialNumber filterSerialNumber String No
8-6 lanAddress lanAddress String No
8-7 lanAddressMask lanAddressMask String No
8-8 conversionType conversionType String No
8-9 afterConversionAddress afterConversionAddress String No
8-10 afterConversionAddressMask afterConversionAddressMask String No
8-11 protocol protocol String No
8-12 startPortNumber startPortNumber String No
8-13 endPortNumber endPortNumber String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiMcBase"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
9 vUnoapiMcBase Multicast information array No
9-1 contractId contractId String No
9-2 multicastBand multicastBand String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiMcBaseAddress"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
10 vUnoapiMcBaseAddress Multicast sending terminal address information array No
10-1 contractId contractId String No
10-2 addressCodeKind addressCodeKind String No
10-3 addressNameKind addressNameKind String No
10-4 address address String No
10-5 mask mask String No
10-6 serialNumber Sending terminal address serialNumber String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiMcMainAddress"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
11 vUnoapiMcMainAddress Address information of users who use multicast array No
11-1 contractId contractId String No
11-2 addressCodeKind addressCodeKind String No
11-3 addressNameKind addressNameKind String No
11-4 address address String No
11-5 mask mask String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoBase"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
12 vUnoapiUnoBase Site contract information array No
12-1 contractId contractId String No
12-2 ipFilterFunctionExists ipFilterFunctionExists String No
12-3 useNatNapt useNatNapt String No
12-4 useTosConversion useTosConversion String No
12-5 baseGrouping baseGrouping String No
12-6 multicastExists multicastExists String No
12-7 unoTerminalExists UniversalunoTerminalExists String No
12-8 unoTerminalKind UniversalunoTerminalKind String No
12-9 csExists csExists String No
12-10 ipv4PlanFree ipv4PlanFree String No
12-11 unoTerminalSpeed UNO-T_LAN side interface speed String No
12-12 asNumber asNumber(WAN side) String No
12-13 maximumRoute Maximum number of routes String No
12-14 redundancy Redundancy type String No
12-15 priorityControlExists NW Priority control use(down) String No
12-16 priorityControlMenu NW Priority control menu(down) String No
12-17 internetConnection InternetConnection String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoBaseAddress"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
13 vUnoapiUnoBaseAddress Address information of site contract array No
13-1 contractId contractId String No
13-2 addressCodeKind addressCodeKind String No
13-3 addressNameKind addressNameKind String No
13-4 address address String No
13-5 mask mask String No
13-6 serialNumber Serial number String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoBaseDhcp"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
14 vUnoapiUnoBaseDhcp DHCP Address information of site contract array No
14-1 contractId contractId String No
14-2 serialNumber contractId String No
14-3 startAddressRange startAddressRange(DHCP) String No
14-4 endAddressRange endAddressRange(DHCP) String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoBaseFilter"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
15 vUnoapiUnoBaseFilter IP filtering information of site contract array No
15-1 contractId contractId String No
15-2 priority Priority String No
15-3 senderAddress Sender address information(address) String No
15-4 senderMask Sender address information(mask) String No
15-5 senderPortNumber Sender address information(port number) String No
15-6 receiverAddress Receiver address information(address) String No
15-7 receiverMask Receiver address information(mask) String No
15-8 receiverProtocol Receiver address information(protocol) String No
15-9 receiverProtocolNumber Receiver address information(protocol number) String No
15-10 receiverPortNumber Receiver address information(port number) String No
15-11 action Action String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoBaseNat"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
16 vUnoapiUnoBaseNat NAT information of site contract array No
16-1 contractId contractId String No
16-2 serialNumber Serial number(NAT) String No
16-3 beforeAddressConversion NW address before NAT String No
16-4 afterAddressConversion NW address after NAT String No
16-5 afterMaskConversion Mask before NAT String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiUnoBaseTos"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
17 vUnoapiUnoBaseTos ToS bit rewrite Information of site contract array No
17-1 contractId contractId String No
17-2 serialNumber Serial number(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-3 tosBit tosBit String No
17-4 senderAddress Sender IPaddress(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-5 senderMask Sender Mask(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-6 senderPortNumber Sender PortNumber(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-7 receiverAddress Receiver IPaddress(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-8 receiverMask Receiver Mask(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-9 receiverProtocol Receiver Protocol(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-10 receiverProtocolNumber Receiver ProtocolNumber(Rewrite tos bit) String No
17-11 receiverPortNumber Receiver PortNumber(Rewrite tos bit) String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiAspmseUtil"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
18 vUnoapiAspmseUtil ASPMSE usage function information array No
18-1 contractId contractId String No
18-2 bgpRouteAdvertisementKind BGP route Ad type String No
18-3 bgpFilterEgressDefault BGPFilterEgress(Default) String No
18-4 vlanNumber ASP side VLAN number String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiAspmseUtilAddress"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
19 vUnoapiAspmseUtilAddress ASPMSE usage address information array No
19-1 contractId contractId String No
19-2 addressCodeKind addressCodeKind String No
19-3 addressNameKind addressNameKind String No
19-4 address address String No
19-5 mask mask String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiAspmseUtilFilter"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
20 vUnoapiAspmseUtilFilter ASPMSE usage NAT filtering information array No
20-1 contractId contractId String No
20-2 protocol protocol String No
20-3 serialNumber SerialNumber(NAT Filtering) String No
20-4 maximumPort maximumPort(Dist) String No
20-5 minimumPort minimumPort(Dist) String No

Response Parameters [If ifType is "vUnoapiAspmseUtilNat"]

No Name Description Type Mandatory
21 vUnoapiAspmseUtilNat ASPMSE usage NAT terminal information array No
21-1 contractId contractId String No
21-2 serialNumber SerialNumber(NAT Terminal) String No
21-3 natConversionAddressAct natConversionAddressAct(Act) String No
21-4 natConversionAddressSby natConversionAddressAct(Sby) String No
21-5 natAddress Nataddress String No

Example Result

  "ifType": "20", 
  "contractId": "N111288775",      
  "vUnoapiUnoMain": [   
      "contractId": "N111288775",            
      "addressBorrowingPlan": "シンプル",           
      "ipv4PlanFreeExists": "無", 
      "vpnConnectionExists": "無",           
      "internetConnectExists": "無",         
      "internetConnectBand": null            
  "resultCode": "00000000"          

​ * Response format and items depend on each user's contract.
​ Please contact us for more information.

Traffic Info

 By using this API, you can get Traffic information of Arcstar Universal One filtered by VPN group ID and service contract ID and utilization / throughput in JSON format.
 ※The following can be obtained from this version.
 ・Multi Cloud Connect, Best Effort High Grade

To get the Traffic Information

GET /v5/uno/traffic/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}?dataType={dataType}&interval={interval}&from={from}&to={to} 

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digit number
String Yes

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
dataType Data item
utilization:Domestic line utilization rate(%)
throughput:Throughput of domestic lines(bps)
String Yes
interval Plot interval
time(5 minutes interval),day(24h interval),day-max(daily maximum) 
String Yes
from Display start date/time #1#2#3#4 Date Yes
to Display end date/time #1#2#3#4 Date Yes

 #1.Specify the time in JST.
 #2.If interval is "time", specify as follows.
   1. YYYYMMDDhhmm format.
   2. mm must be in 5-minute granularity "00, 05, 10, 15 ,20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55.

 #3.If interval is "day", specify as follows.
   1. YYYYMMDDhhmm format.
   2. hhmm must be "0000".

 #4.If interval is "day-max", specify as follows.
   1. YYYYMMDDhhmm format.
   2. hhmm must be "0000".

Example Request

GET /v5/uno/traffic/V12345678/N123456789?dataType=utilization&interval=realtime&from=201801010000&to=201812312359

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 trafficDataValue Traffic Data List Array Yes
1-1 intervalTime Collection date String Yes
1-2 in Received traffic data String Yes
1-3 out Transmitted traffic data String Yes

Example Result

    "intervaltime":"2020/12/01 00:00:00"
    "intervaltime":"2020/12/01 00:05:00"
    "intervaltime":"2020/12/01 00:10:00"
    "intervaltime":"2020/12/01 00:15:00"
    "intervaltime":"2020/12/01 00:20:00"
    "intervaltime":"2020/12/01 00:25:00"
    "intervaltime":"2020/12/01 00:30:00"

Traffic Alarm Info

 By using this API, you can get traffic alarm information by VPN group ID and service contract ID in JSON format.

Traffic Alarm Info

GET /v1/uno/alarm/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
searchType Search type
contractlist:Specify when searching for contract line information.
condition:Specify when searching for configured traffic alarm conditions.
String No
searchAllOption Bulk registration option
0:Individual registration 1:Bulk registration
Int Yes #1

 #1.Mandatory if searchType is "condition".

Example Request

GET /v1/uno/alarm/V12345678/N123456789?searchType=condition&searchAllOption=0 
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 contractValue Service contract ID value Object Yes
1-1 productName Product name String Yes
1-2 networkGroupId Network group ID String Yes
1-3 contractList Service contract ID list Array Yes
1-3-1 contractNo Service contract ID String Yes
1-3-2 cityName City name String Yes
1-3-3 officeLocation Office location String Yes
1-3-4 manageFlag Manage flag Int Yes
1-3-5 conditionValue Alarm condition information Object Yes
1-3-5-1 allOption Bulk registration option Int Yes
1-3-5-2 conditionItem1 Condition item1
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception)
time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes
1-3-5-3 conditionEqualSign1 Equal sign1 String Yes
1-3-5-4 conditionValue1 Threshold value1 Int Yes
1-3-5-5 conditionForMinutes1 Continuous time (minutes)1 Int Yes
1-3-5-6 conditionItem2 Condition item2
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception)
time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes
1-3-5-7 conditionEqualSign2 Equal sign2 String Yes
1-3-5-8 conditionValue2 Threshold value2 Int Yes
1-3-5-9 conditionForMinutes2 Continuous time (minutes)2 Int Yes
1-3-5-10 conditionItem3 Condition item3
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception)
time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes
1-3-5-11 conditionEqualSign3 Equal sign3 String Yes
1-3-5-12 conditionValue3 Threshold value3 Int Yes
1-3-5-13 conditionForMinutes3 Continuous time (minutes)3 Int Yes
1-3-5-14 conditionItem4 Condition item4
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception)
time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes
1-3-5-15 conditionEqualSign4 Equal sign4 String Yes
1-3-5-16 conditionValue4 Threshold value4 Int Yes
1-3-5-17 conditionForMinutes4 Continuous time (minutes)4 Int Yes
1-3-5-18 conditionUnion Threshold conditional combination method String Yes
1-3-5-19 mailAddress1 Email address1 String Yes
1-3-5-20 mailStatus1 Registration Status1
0:Registered 1:Not registered 2:Awaiting confirmation 3:Failure to send email 4:Domain error
Int Yes
1-3-5-21 mailAddress2 Email address2 String Yes
1-3-5-22 mailStatus2 Registration Status3
0:Registered 1:Not registered 2:Awaiting confirmation 3:Failure to send email 4:Domain error
Int Yes
1-3-5-23 mailAddress3 Email address3 String Yes
1-3-5-24 mailStatus3 Registration Status3
0:Registered 1:Not registered 2:Awaiting confirmation 3:Failure to send email 4:Domain error
Int Yes
1-3-5-25 mailSubject Email subject String Yes
1-3-5-26 language Language String Yes
1-3-5-27 entryDate Entry date Date Yes
1-3-5-28 weekSettingList Week setting list Array Yes
1-3-5-28-1 wday Day of the week
0:Sun 1:Mon 2:Tue 3:Wed 4:Thu 5:Fri 6:Sat
Int Yes
1-3-5-28-2 startHH Start time (hour) Int Yes
1-3-5-28-3 startMI Start time (min) Int Yes
1-3-5-28-4 endHH End time (hour) Int Yes
1-3-5-28-5 endMI End time (min) Int Yes
1-3-5-28-6 status Setting status Int Yes

Example Result

     "contractValue": {
         "productName": "UNO"
        ,"networkGroupId": "J12345678"
        ,"contractList": [
                 "contractNo": "N111111111"
                ,"cityName": "北海道"
                ,"officeLocation": "札幌センター1"
                , "manageFlag":"1"
                ,"conditionValue": {
                     "allOption": "1"
                    ,"conditionItem1": "time_inbusyline"
                    ,"conditionEqualSign1": ">="
                    ,"conditionValue1": "20"
                    ,"conditionItem2": "time_inbusyline"
                    ,"conditionEqualSign2": ">="
                    ,"conditionValue2": "30"
                    ,"conditionItem3": "time_outbusyline"
                    ,"conditionEqualSign3": ">="
                    ,"conditionValue3": "40"
                    ,"conditionItem4": "time_outbusyline"
                    ,"conditionEqualSign4": ">="
                    ,"conditionValue4": "50"
                    ,"conditionUnion": "OR"
                    ,"mailAddress1": ""
                    ,"mailStatus1": "0"
                    ,"mailAddress2": ""
                    ,"mailStatus2": "1"
                    ,"mailAddress3": ""
                    ,"mailStatus3": "2"
                    ,"mailSubject": "[Traffic Alarm]回線アラーム設定"
                    ,"language": "ja"
                    ,"entryDate": "2020-12-01 01:01:01"
                    ,"weekSettingList": [
                             "wday": "0"
                            ,"startHH": "00"
                            ,"startMI": "00"
                            ,"endHH": "24"
                            ,"endMI": "00"
                            ,"status": "1"
                             "wday": "1"
                            ,"startHH": "00"
                            ,"startMI": "00"
                            ,"endHH": "24"
                            ,"endMI": "00"
                            ,"status": "1"
                             "wday": "2"
                            ,"startHH": "00"
                            ,"startMI": "00"
                            ,"endHH": "24"
                            ,"endMI": "00"
                            ,"status": "1"
                             "wday": "3"
                            ,"startHH": "00"
                            ,"startMI": "00"
                            ,"endHH": "24"
                            ,"endMI": "00"
                            ,"status": "1"
                             "wday": "4"
                            ,"startHH": "00"
                            ,"startMI": "00"
                            ,"endHH": "24"
                            ,"endMI": "00"
                            ,"status": "1"
                             "wday": "5"
                            ,"startHH": "00"
                            ,"startMI": "00"
                            ,"endHH": "24"
                            ,"endMI": "00"
                            ,"status": "1"
                             "wday": "6"
                            ,"startHH": "00"
                            ,"startMI": "00"
                            ,"endHH": "24"
                            ,"endMI": "00"
                            ,"status": "1"

Traffic Alarm Register

 By using this API, you can register information of traffic alarm by VPN group ID and service contract ID.

Traffic Alarm Register

POST /v1/uno/alarm/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Request Parameters [JSON]

Name Description Type Mandatory
conditionValue Alarm condition information Object Yes
allOption Bulk registration option
"0":Individual registration "1":Bulk registration
Int Yes
conditionItem1 Condition item1 #1
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception) time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes #1
conditionEqualSign1 Equal sign1
"<=" ">="
String Yes #1
conditionValue1 Threshold value1 Int Yes #1
conditionForMinutes1 Continuous time (minutes)1 #2
Int Yes #1
conditionItem2 Condition item2 #1
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception) time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes #3
conditionEqualSign2 Equal sign2
"<=" ">="
String Yes #3
conditionValue2 Threshold value2 Int Yes #3
conditionForMinutes2 Continuous time (minutes)2 #2
Int Yes #3
conditionItem3 Condition item3 #1
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception) time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes #4
conditionEqualSign3 Equal sign3
"<=" ">="
String Yes #4
conditionValue3 Threshold value3 Int Yes #4
conditionForMinutes3 Continuous time (minutes)3 #2
Int Yes #4
conditionItem4 Condition item4 #1
time_inbusyline:Line utilization (reception) time_outbusyline:Line utilization (transmission)
String Yes #5
conditionEqualSign4 Equal sign4
"<=" ">="
String Yes #5
conditionValue4 Threshold value4 Int Yes #5
conditionForMinutes4 Continuous time (minutes)1 #2
Int Yes #5
conditionUnion Threshold conditional combination method
"AND" "OR"
String Yes
mailAddress1 Email address1 String Yes #6
mailAddress2 Email address2 String Yes #6
mailAddress3 Email address3 String Yes #6
mailSubject Email subject String Yes
language Language
"ja" "en"
String Yes
weekSettingList Week setting list Array Yes
wday Day of the week
0:Sun 1:Mon 2:Tue 3:Wed 4:Thu 5:Fri 6:Sat
Int Yes
startHH Start time (hour)
00~23 #7
Int Yes
startMI Start time (min)
00~55 #7
Int Yes
endHH End time (hour)
00~24 #7
Int Yes
endMI End time (min)
00~55 #7
Int Yes
status Setting status
0:Not set 1:Already set
Int Yes

 #1.Required if the value is set to either conditionItem1, conditionEqualSign1, conditionValue1, or conditionForMinutes1.
 #2.Refer to the table below "Value that can be specified for conditionForMinutes" for the values ​​that can be specified.
 #3.Required if the value is set to either conditionItem2, conditionEqualSign2, conditionValue2, or conditionForMinutes2.
 #4.Required if the value is set to either conditionItem3, conditionEqualSign3, conditionValue3, or conditionForMinutes3.
 #5.Required if the value is set to either conditionItem4, conditionEqualSign4, conditionValue4, or conditionForMinutes4.
 #6.mailAddress1 - mailAddress3 is a non-overlapping value.
    Mandatory for any of the following: mailAddress1 to mailAddress3.

 #7.The continuous time is determined as follows.
   1. Get "the maximum value (in minutes)" of conditionForMinutes1 to conditionForMinutes4, excluding the unset value.
   2. The following judgments are made for the days of the week for which the status for each day of the week is "1: Already set".
   2.1. Calculate the number of hours from the start time to the end time.
   2.2. The time calculated above is converted into minutes and is called "monitoring minutes".
   2.3. If "the maximum value (in minutes)" is greater than "monitoring minutes", an error is generated.

Value that can be specified for conditionForMinutes

value explanation
5 5 minutes
10 10 minutes
15 15 minutes
20 20 minutes
25 25 minutes
30 30 minutes
35 35 minutes
40 40 minutes
45 45 minutes
50 50 minutes
55 55 minutes
60 1 hours
120 2 hours
180 3 hours
240 4 hours
300 5 hours
360 6 hours
420 7 hours
480 8 hours
540 9 hours
600 10 hours
660 11 hours
720 12 hours
780 13 hours
840 14 hours
900 15 hours
960 16 hours
1020 17 hours
1080 18 hours
1140 19 hours
1200 20 hours
1260 21 hours
1320 22 hours
1380 23 hours
1440 24 hours

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
POST /v1/uno/alarm/V12345678/N123456789     
  "conditionValue": {
  "contractNo": "N123456789",
  "allOption": "1",
  "conditionItem1": "time_inbusyline",
  "conditionEqualSign1": ">=",
  "conditionValue1": "20",
  "conditionForMinutes1": "10",
  "conditionItem2": "time_inbusyline",
  "conditionEqualSign2": ">=",
  "conditionValue2": "30",
  "conditionForMinutes2": "20",
  "conditionItem3": "time_outbusyline",
  "conditionEqualSign3": ">=",
  "conditionValue3": "40",
  "conditionForMinutes3": "30",
  "conditionItem4": "time_outbusyline",
  "conditionEqualSign4": ">=",
  "conditionValue4": "50",
  "conditionForMinutes4": "40",
  "conditionUnion": "OR",
  "mailAddress1": "",
  "mailAddress2": "",
  "mailAddress3": "",
  "mailSubject": "[Traffic Alarm]回線アラーム設定",
  "language": "ja",
  "weekSettingList": [
    "wday": "0",
    "startHH": "00",
    "startMI": "00",
    "endHH": "24",
    "endMI": "00",
    "status": "1"
    "wday": "1",
    "startHH": "00",
    "startMI": "00",
    "endHH": "24",
    "endMI": "00",
    "status": "1"
    "wday": "2",
    "startHH": "00",
    "startMI": "00",
    "endHH": "24",
    "endMI": "00",
    "status": "1"
    "wday": "3",
    "startHH": "00",
    "startMI": "00",
    "endHH": "24",
    "endMI": "00",
    "status": "1"
    "wday": "4",
    "startHH": "00",
    "startMI": "00",
    "endHH": "24",
    "endMI": "00",
    "status": "1"
    "wday": "5",
    "startHH": "00",
    "startMI": "00",
    "endHH": "24",
    "endMI": "00",
    "status": "1"
    "wday": "6",
    "startHH": "00",
    "startMI": "00",
    "endHH": "24",
    "endMI": "00",
    "status": "1"
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 returnValue Return value Object Yes
1-1 contractNo Service contract ID String Yes
1-2 allOption Bulk registration option Int Yes
1-3 entry Processing result String Yes

Example Result

  "returnValue": {
    "contractNo": "N123456789",
    "allOption": "1",
    "entry": "success"

Traffic Alarm Delete

 By using this API, you can delete information of traffic alarm by VPN group ID and service contract ID.

Traffic Alarm Delete

DELETE /v1/uno/alarm/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
deleteAllOption Bulk registration option
"0":Individual registration "1":Bulk registration
Int Yes

Example Request

DELETE /v1/uno/alarm/V12345678/N123456789?deleteAllOption=0
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 returnValue Return value Object Yes
1-1 deleteContractNo Service contract ID String Yes
1-2 deleteAllOption Bulk registration option Int Yes
1-3 delete Processing result String Yes

Example Result

  "returnValue": {
    "deleteContractNo": "N123456789",
    "deleteAllOption": "0",
    "delete": "success"

Traffic Announce

 By using this API, you can get customer contact information about traffic reports of Arcstrar Universal One by VPN group ID and service contract ID in JSON format.

Traffic Announce

GET /v1/uno/announce/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Example Request

GET /v1/uno/announce/V12345678/N123456789
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 announceList Announce list Array Yes
1-1 startDate Notification valid start date Date Yes
1-2 endDate Notification valid end date Date Yes
1-3 title Title String Yes
1-4 contents Rontents String Yes
1-5 createDate Create Date Date Yes

Example Result

 "announceList": [
   "endDate": "2021-02-28",
   "contents":"2021年1月15日(金)09:00から14:00までの期間において、サーバのメンテナンスを実施いたします。<br />工事時間内に本サイトの閲覧ができない場合があります。<br />ご利用の方々にはご迷惑をおかけしますが、ご理解のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。<br />",
   "endDate": "2021-02-28",
   "contents":"2021年1月4日(月)09:00から14:00までの期間において、サーバのメンテナンスを実施いたします。<br />工事時間内に本サイトの閲覧ができない場合があります。<br />ご利用の方々にはご迷惑をおかけしますが、ご理解のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。<br />",

Circuit Alarm

  By using this API, you can get circuit alarm information of Arcstrar Universal One with in 90days by VPN group ID and service contract ID in JSON format.

To get the Circuit Alarm

GET /v4/uno/circuitalarms/{vpnGroupId}?contractId={contractId}&originalEventTimeFrom={originalEventTimeFrom}&originalEventTimeTo={originalEventTimeTo}&eventTimeFrom={eventTimeFrom}&eventTimeTo={eventTimeTo}&clearanceTimeFrom={clearanceTimeFrom}&clearanceTimeTo={clearanceTimeTo}&lastModificationTimeFrom={lastModificationTimeFrom}&lastModificationTimeTo={lastModificationTimeTo}&top={top}&skip={skip}&maxPageSize={maxPageSize}&orderBy={orderBy}  

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digit number
Stringt Yes
originalEventTimeFrom Alarm start date/time #1
e.g. 201901010000
Date No
originalEventTimeTo Alarm end date/time #1
e.g. 201912312359
Date No
eventTimeFrom Alarm severity update start date/time #1
e.g. 201901010000
Date No
eventTimeTo Alarm severity update end date/time #1
e.g. 201912312359
Date No
clearanceTimeFrom Alarm recovery start date/time #1
e.g. 201901010000
Date No
clearanceTimeTo Alarm recovery end date/time #1
e.g. 201912312359
Date No
lastModificationTimeFrom Last modification start date/time #1
e.g. 201901010000
Date No
lastModificationTimeTo Last modification end date/time #1
e.g. 201912312359
Date No
clearanceReportFlag Outage recovery flag #2
true:Outage recovery
false:Outage occurrence
Boolean No
top Number of top output #2 Int No
skip Number of skip reading #2 Int No
maxPageSize Number of output #3 Int No
orderBy Sort order #4
e.g. originalEventTimeFrom desc
Int No

#1.Specify the time in JST.
#2.If not specified, it does not narrow down the conditions.
#3.If not specified, it is assumed that 0 is specified.
#4.If not specified, it is assumed that 10 is specified.
#5.When specifying "alarmId" as "orderBy" or "KEY", use "id".

Example Request

GET /v4/uno/circuitalarms/V12345678?contractId=N123456789&originalEventTimeFrom=201901010000&originalEventTimeTo=201901312359&eventTimeFrom=201901010000&eventTimeTo=201901312359&clearanceTimeFrom=201901010000&clearanceTimeTo=201901312359&lastModificationTimeFrom=201901010000&lastModificationTimeTo=20190131&clearanceReportFlag=false&top=10&skip=1&maxPageSize=1&orderBy=alarmName desc,optionService    
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page.

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 hitCount Number of hits Int Yes
2 value Circuit Alarm array Yes
2-1 vpnGroupId VPN group ID String Yes
2-2 contractId Service contract ID String Yes
2-3 originalAlarmName Alarm name String Yes
2-4 originalEventTime Alarm start time(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format
String Yes
2-5 alarmDescription Alarm description String No
2-6 rootCauseDescription Root cause String No
2-7 requestDescription Request for customer String No
2-8 plannedOutage Planned outage flag
true:Within planned outage period
false:Excluding planned outage period
Boolean Yes
2-9 plannedOutageDescription Planned outage flag description String Yes
2-10 noManageReason Mornitoring suspension flag
true:Within mornitoring suspension period
false:Excluding mornitoring suspension period
Boolean Yes
2-11 noManageReasonDescription Mornitoring suspension flag description String Yes
2-12 alarmId Alarm ID Int Yes
2-13 clearanceReportFlag Outage recovery flag
true:Outage recovery
false:Outage occurrence
Boolean Yes
2-14 clearanceReportFlagDescription Outage recovery flag description String Yes
2-15 alarmName Alarm name String Yes
2-16 originalSeverity Original alarm severity
5:Critical 4:Waring 3:Major 2:Minor 1:Indeterminate 0:Clear
Int Yes
2-17 originalSeverityName Original alarm severity description String Yes
2-18 perceivedSeverity Alarm severity
 5:Critical 4:Waring 3:Major 2:Minor 1:Indeterminate 0:Clear
Int Yes
2-19 perceivedSeverityName Alarm severity description String Yes
2-20 eventTime Alarm severity update time(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format
String Yes
2-21 clearanceTime Outage recovery time(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format
String No
2-22 lastModificationTime Last modification time(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format
String Yes
* The data in the object is unsorted.
  When its response value is null, the item name will not be shown in the list.

Example Result

    "value": [
        "contractId" : "N123456789",
        "vpnGroupId" : "V12345678",
        "originalAlarmName" : "UNO(L3) eeNMS(WAN_MAIN) Ping_status NG (/) (from:eeNMS)",
        "originalEventTime" : "2019-03-01T18:07:32+0900"
        "alarmDescription" : "There was no ping response from WAN side of UniverasalOne terminal",
        "plannedOutage" : false,
        "plannedOutageDescription" : "計画工事期間外",
        "noManageReason" : false,
        "noManageReasonDescription" : "静観期間外",
        "alarmId" : 10784000,
        "clearanceReportFlag" : false,
        "clearanceReportFlagName" : "故障発生",
        "alarmName" : "UNO(L3) eeNMS(WAN_MAIN) Ping_status NG (/) (from:eeNMS)",
        "originalSeverity" : 5,
        "originalSeverityName" : "Critical",
        "perceivedSeverity" : 5,
        "perceivedSeverityName" : "Critical",
        "eventTime" : "2019-03-02T18:07:32+0900",
        "clearanceTime" : "2019-03-0418:07:32+0900",
        "lastModificationTime" : "2019-03-04T04:00:02+0900"

Planned Outage List(Guarantee Plan)

 By using this API, you can get Planned Outage List of Arcstar Universal One Guarantee Plan in JSON format.

To get the Planned Outage List

GET /v4/uno/maintenance?plan=guarantee&updateTimeFrom={updateTimeFrom}&updateTimeTo={updateTimeTo}   

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
plan Specified constraction data plan
Fixed value:guarantee
String Yes
updateTimeFrom Last modified time(from)
e.g. Date : 20180101
   Date&Time : 201801010000
Date Yes
updateTimeTo Last modified time(to)
e.g. Date : 20181231
   Date&Time : 201812312359
Date Yes

Example Request

GET /v4/uno/maintenance?plan=guarantee&updateTimeFrom=20180803&updateTimeTo=20180827
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* Please refer to the OAuth API page for token acquisition.

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 totalCount Tortal count of search result Int Yes
2 pageNumber Page number of search result Int No
3 pageSize Tortal count page of search result Int No
4 prePageNumber Previous page number Int No
5 nextPageNumber Next page number Int No
6 firstPageNumber First page number Int No
7 lastPageNumber Last page number Int No
8 items Search result information array No
8-1 lineContractId Service contract ID String No
8-2 agmUuid Borrowed line UUID String No
8-3 lastModifiedAc The last modified date
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+0900 format
String No
  • If the search result pages are 2 or more, there is a possibility that all of the corresponding data could not be acquired, please narrow down the conditions and execute the API again.

Example Result

    "totalCount": 3,
    "pageNumber": "1",
    "pageSize": "1000",
    "prePageNumber": "1",
    "nextPageNumber": "1",
    "firstPageNumber": "1",
    "lastPageNumber": "1",
    "items": [
        "lineContractId": "N123456780",
        "amgUuid": "5F123456789012345678901234567890",
        "lastModifiedAc": "2018-01-22T16:34:12.059+0900"
        "lineContractId": "N123456781",
        "amgUuid": "5F123456789012345678901234567890",
        "lastModifiedAc": "2018-01-22T16:34:12.180+0900"
        "lineContractId": "N123456782",
        "amgUuid": "5F123456789012345678901234567890",
        "lastModifiedAc": "2018-01-22T16:34:12.633+0900"

Planned Outage Detail Info(Guarantee Plan)

 By using this API, you can get Planned Outage Detail Information of Arcstar Universal One Guarantee Plan in JSON format.

To get the detail information of Planned Outage

GET /v4/uno/maintenance/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}?plan=guarantee&agmUuid={agmUuid}     

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digit number
String Yes

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
plan Constraction data plan
Fixed value:guarantee
String Yes
agmUuid Borrowed line UUID String No

Example Request

GET /v4/uno/maintenance/V1245678/N123456789?plan=guarantee&agmUuid=x23fd9dae90adbewefdwe482000000000000001
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*

* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 totalCount Tortal count of search result Int Yes
2 pageNumber Page number of search result Int No
3 pageSize Tortal count page of search result Int No
4 prePageNumber Previous page number Int No
5 nextPageNumber Next page number Int No
6 firstPageNumber First page number Int No
7 lastPageNumber Last page number Int No
8 items Search result information array No
8-1 lastModifiedAc Last modified date(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+0900 format
String No
8-2 agmUuid Line UUID String No
8-3 agmMngNo Borrowed control Number String No
8-4 circuitId CircuitId String No
8-5 atmOnlyCircuitId ATMOnlyCircuitId String No
8-6 lineContractId Service contract ID String No
8-7 lineDescription Line type String No
8-8 correspondGroupId GroupId String No
8-9 serviceName Service type String No
8-10 contractSpeed contractSpeed String No
8-11 upOfficeName upOfficeName String No
8-12 lowOfficeName lowOfficeName String No
8-13 tocWorkerDivision TOC department in charge String No
8-14 tocWorkerTel TOC responsible person's phone number String No
8-15 startDay Start date(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+0900 format
String No
8-16 endDay End date(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+0900 format
String No
8-17 startDay2 startDay-Time2
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+0900 format
String No
※Not returned in some patern
8-18 endDay2 endDay-Time2
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS+0900 format
String No
※Not returned in some patern
8-19 way Construction way String No
8-20 impactTime Influence time Int No
8-21 timeUnit Influence time unit String No
8-22 count The number of influence Int No
8-23 aopImportance aopImportance String No
8-24 customerImpact customerImpact String No
8-25 circuitContactMatter circuitContactMatter String No
8-26 customerConstReason customerConstReason String No
8-27 customerContactMatter customerContactMatter String No
* Response format and items depend on each user's contract.
  Please contact us for more information.

Example Result

    "totalCount": "1",  
    "pageNumber": "1",  
    "pageSize": "10",   
    "prePageNumber": "1",   
    "nextPageNumber": "1",  
    "firstPageNumber": "1", 
    "lastPageNumber": "1",  
    "items": [  
       "lastModifiedAc": "2019-03-19T13:30:32.536+0900",
       "agmMngNo": "C00167-0",
       "agmUuid": "7A35EC89AAF56013E053E40112AC644A",
       "lineContractId": "N123456789",
       "aopImportance": "2",
       "circuitId": "N180123456",
       "atmOnlyCircuitId": "999999999",
       "lineDescription": "1",
       "correspondGroupId": "V12345678",
       "serviceName": "Universal One",
       "contractSpeed": "100",
       "upOfficeName": "○×会社",
       "lowOfficeName": "○×■会社",
       "tocWorkerDivision": "TOC担当部署",
       "tocWorkerTel": "0312345678",
       "startDay": "2018-11-20T02:00:00.000+0900",
       "endDay": "2018-11-20T05:00:00.000+0900",
       "way": "2",
       "impactTime": "1",
       "timeUnit": "0",
       "count": "1",
       "circuitContactMatter": "〇〇〇",
       "customerConstReason": "計画停電のため",
       "customerContactMatter": "×××"

Planned Outage Info(Best Effort Plan)

 By using this API, you can get Planned Outage information of Arcstar Universal One Best Effort Plan filtered by VPN group ID, product code, service contract ID and area code in JSON format.

To get the detail information of Planned Outage

GET /v4/uno/maintenance?plan=besteffort&vpnGroupId={vpnGroupId}&contractid={contractid}&areacode={areacode}&goodscode={goodscode} 

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
plan Specified construction information plan
fixed value:besteffort
String Yes
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes #1#2
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes #1#2
areaCode Specified area code(It can be specified multiple)#3
Area code: 3 digit number
Int Yes #1
goodsCode Specified product code
Fixed value: vpn-besteffort
String No
maintenanceStatus Maintenance status(It can be specified multiple) #3#4
0: Before Construction 1: Under Construction 2: Done -:Unspecified
String No
troubleStatus Outage status(It can be specified multiple) #3#4
0: Failed 1: Restored -:Unspecified
String No

 #1.If only vpnGroupId and contractId or onry areaCode can be specified, and vpnGroupId, contractId and areaCode are specified, an error will occur.
 #2.An error will occur if both vpnGroupId and contractId are not specified.
 #3.Separate multiple entries with commas (","). (If multiple entries is specified, the OR condition is used.)
 #4.If both Maintenance status and Outage status are specified, the search is performed using the OR condition that combines the two specifications.

Area Code

Location code Prefecture code
301: Hokkaido 401: Hokkaido
302: Tohoku 402: Aomori, 403: Iwate, 404: Miyagi, 405: Akita, 406: Yamagata, 407: Fukushima
303: Kanto 408: Tokyo, 409: Kanagawa, 410: Saitama, 411: Chiba, 412 Ibaraki, 413: Tochigi, 414: Gunma
304: Tokai 421: Aichi, 422: Gifu, 423: Shizuoka, 424: Mie
305: Koushinetsu 415: Yamanashi, 416: Niigata, 417: Nagano
306: Hokuriku 418: Toyama, 419: Ishikawa, 420: Fukui
307: Kinki 425: Osaka, 426: Hyogo, 427: Kyoto, 428: Shiga, 429: Nara, 430: Wakayama
308: Chugoku 431: Tottori, 432: Shimane, 433: Okayama, 434: Hiroshima, 435: Yamaguchi
309: Shikoku 436: Tokushima, 437: Kagawa, 438: Ehime, 439: Kochi
310: Kyushu 440: Fukuoka, 441: Saga, 442: Nagasaki, 443: Kumamoto, 444: Oita, 445: Miyazaki, 446: Kagoshima, 447: Okinawa

Example Request

GET /v4/uno/maintenance?plan=besteffort&vpnGroupId=V12345678&contractId=N123456789&areaCode=408&goodsCode=vpn-besteffort&maintenanceStatus=0&troubleStatus=-     
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* Please refer to the OAuth API page for token acquisition.

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 items Planned Outage Info array No
1-1 title Construction / Outage title String No
1-2 kind Construction / Outage type
1: Construction 2: Outage
Int No
1-3 kindDescription Construction / Outage type name String No
1-4 code Construction / Outage ID String No
1-5 displayUpdateDate Updated date for display(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format(JST)
String No
1-6 displayUpdateDateUtc Updated date for display(UTC)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ format(UTC)
String No
1-7 maintenanceStatus Maintenance status
1: Before Construction 2: Under Construction 3: Done
Int No
1-8 maintenanceStatusDescription Maintenance status name String No
1-9 troubleStatus Outage status 1: Failed 2: Restored Int No
1-10 troubleStatusDescription Outage status name String No
1-11 importantFlg Important flag
0: Normal (0 for faults fixed) 1: Important
Int No
1-12 importantDescription Important Description String No
1-13 maintenanceStartDate Maintenance start date
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format(JST)
String No
1-14 maintenanceEndDate Maintenance end date
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format(JST)
String No
1-15 troubleOccuredDate Outage occured date
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format(JST)
String No
1-16 troubleRestoreDate Outage restore date
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format(JST)
String No
1-17 maintenanceStartDateUtc Maintenance Start Date(UTC)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ format(UTC)
String No
1-18 maintenanceEndDateUtc Maintenance End Date(UTC)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ format(UTC)
String No
1-19 troubleOccuredDateUtc Trouble occured date(UTC)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ format(UTC)
String No
1-20 troubleRestoreDateUtc Trouble restore date(UTC)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ format(UTC)
String No
1-21 targetArea Affected area code String No
1-22 mainTextPc Text for PC site String No
1-23 influencedPlanDisplay Affected service (for screen display)
Affected services that are displayed on the screen when construction / outage registered
String No
1-24 targetFacilityDisplay Affected facility (for screen display)
Affected facilities that are displayed on the screen when construction / outage registered
String No
1-25 targetAreaDisplay Affected area (for screen display)
Affected areas that are displayed on the screen when construction / outage registered
String No
1-26 matchParamType Matched parameters Type
1:Product code 2:contractId 3:areaCode
String No

Example Result

    "items": [
        "title": "【L3 ベストエフォート】青森県エリア地域IP網メンテナンス工事のお知らせ",
        "kind": 1,
        "kindDescription": "工事",
        "code": "12001",
        "maintenanceStatus": 3,
        "maintenanceStatusDescription": "完了",
        "troubleStatus": "",
        "troubleStatusDescription": "",
        "importantFlg": 0,
        "importantDescription": "通常",
        "maintenanceStartDate": "2018-10-26T00:00+0900",
        "maintenanceEndDate": "2018-10-26T06:00+0900",
        "troubleOccuredDate": "",
        "troubleRestoreDate": "",
        "maintenanceStartDateUtc": "2018-10-25T15:00Z",
        "maintenanceEndDateUtc": "2018-10-25T21:00Z",
        "troubleOccuredDateUtc": "",
        "troubleRestoreDateUtc": "",
        "targetArea": "402",
        "mainTextPc": "特定加入者回線部分のアクセスポイントで、工事時間帯において一時的にご利用できなくなる場合がございます。",
        "influencedPlanDisplay": "特定加入者回線部分(光ネクスト)",
        "targetFacilityDisplay": "",
        "targetAreaDisplay": "青森県エリアの全域",
        "matchParamType": 3

Monitoring Suspension Info

  By using this API, you can get monitoring suspension information by VPN group ID, service contract ID, work start date and work end date in JSON format.

To get monitoring suspension information

GET /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/{customerSysId}/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}?workDateFrom={workDateFrom}&workDateTo={workDateTo} 

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
workDateFrom Work start date/time #1 #2 #3
e.g. 201901010000
Date No
workDateTo Work end date/time #1 #2 #3
e.g. 201912312359
Date No

#1.Specify the time in JST.
#2.When you set second, it is allowed to set '00' or '59' only.
#3.If both the Work start date/time and the Work end date/time are not specified, it is assumed that the current time is specified as the Work start date/time.

Example Request

    GET /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/V12345678/N123456789?workDateFrom=20190101130000&workDateTo=20191231235959     
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page.

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 hitCount count of search result Int No
2 items monitoring suspension information array No
2-1 insertDate Created date(JST)
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format
String No
2-2 workId Work ID Int No
2-3 workDiv Work division
01:SO Maint(order maintenance) 02:Com Maint(NTTCommunication's maintenance) 03:Cust Maint(customer's maintenance) 04:Testing(circuit test) 05:Urgent Maint(urgent maintenance) 99:Others
Int No
2-4 workDivDescription Work division description String No
2-5 workTargetId Work target ID String No
2-6 workTargetDiv Work target divison
01:Customer System 02:Network 03:Site 04:Circuit 05:CPE/LAN Equipment
Int No
2-7 workTargetDivDescription Work target division description String No
2-8 workRepeatDiv Work repeat division
00:No 10:Every day 20:Weekly 30:Monthly 40:Holiday 90:Permanent
Int No
2-9 workRepeatDivDescription Work repeat division description String No
2-10 workDateFrom Work start date
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format
String No
2-11 workDateTo Work end date
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+0900 format
String No
2-12 workTimeFrom Work start time(JST)
HH24:MM:SS format
String No
2-13 workTimeTo Work end time(JST)
HH24:MM:SS format
String No
2-14 workWeekdayFrom Work start weekday code
01:Sun 02:Mon 03:Tue 04:Wed 05:Thu 06:Fri 07:Sat
Int No
2-15 workWeekdayFromName Work start weekday code description String No
2-16 workWeekdayTo Work end weekday code
01:Sun 02:Mon 03:Tue 04:Wed 05:Thu 06:Fri 07:Sat
Int No
2-17 workWeekdayToName Work end weekday code description String No
2-18 workDayFrom Work start day code
01~31:1st~31th 98:The day before the end of the month 99:the end of the month
Int No
2-19 workDayFromName Work start day code description String No
2-20 workDayTo Work end day code
01~31:1st~31th 98:The day before the end of the month 99:the end of the month
Int No
2-21 workDayToName Work end day code description String No
2-22 workHolidayFrom Work start holiday code
01:Yesterday Before Holiday 02:Before Holiday 03:Holiday 04:After Holiday 05:Tommorow After Holiday
Int No
2-23 workHolidayFromName Work start holiday code description String No
2-24 workHolidayTo Work end holiday code
01:Yesterday Before Holiday 02:Before Holiday 03:Holiday 04:After Holiday 05:Tommorow After Holiday
Int No
2-25 workHolidayToName Work end holiday code description String No
2-26 remarks Remarks String No
2-27 receiptNo Receipt number Int No
2-28 parentWorkId Parent work ID Int No
2-29 workEndIssue Work end issue
0:Don't issue a ticket 1:Issue a ticket
Int No
2-30 workEndIssueDescription Work end issue description String No

Example Result


Monitoring Suspension Register

  By using this API, you can register monitoring suspension information by VPN group ID and service contract ID.

To register monitoring suspension infotmation

POST /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}  

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Request Parameters [JSON]

Name Description Type Mandatory
workDiv Work division
01:SO Maint(order maintenance) 02:Com Maint(NTTCommunication's maintenance) 03:Cust Maint(customer's maintenance) 04:Testing(circuit test) 05:Urgent Maint(urgent maintenance) 99:Others
Int Yes
workTargetDiv Work target division
04:Circuit 05:CPE/LAN Equipments
Int Yes
workRepeatDiv Work repeat division
00:No 10:Every day 20:Weekly 30:Monthly 40:Holiday 90:Permanent
Int Yes
workDateFrom Work start date #1#2
e.g. 2019-04-01T10:00:00+0900
Date No
workDateTo Work end date #1#2
e.g. 2019-04-30T23:59:59+0900
Date No
workTimeFrom Work start time #1#2
e.g. 10:00:00
Time No
workTimeTo Work end time ##1#2
e.g. 23:59:59
Time No
workWeekdayFrom Work start weekday #1
01:Sun 02:Mon 03:Tue 04:Wed 05:Thu 06:Fri 07:Sat
Int No
workWeekdayTo Work end weekday #1
01:Sun 02:Mon 03:Tue 04:Wed 05:Thu 06:Fri 07:Sat
Int No
workDayFrom Work start day #1
01~31:1st~31th 99:the end of the month
Int No
workDayTo Work end day #1
01~31:1st~31th 99:the end of the month
Int No
workHolidayFrom Work start holiday code
02:Before Holiday 03:Holiday 04:After Holiday 05:Tommorow After Holiday
Int No
workHolidayTo Work end holiday code
02:Before Holiday 03:Holiday 04:After Holiday 05:Tommorow After Holiday
Int No
remarks Remarks
e.g. 「計画停電を予定」
String No
workEndIssue Work end issue
0:Don't issue a ticket 1:Issue a ticket
Int Yes

#1.Specify the time in JST.
#2.When you set second, it is allowed to set '00' or '59' only.

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
POST /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/V12345678/N123456789     
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page.

Response Parameters

None ※Only HTTP header will be returned.

Monitoring Suspension Update

  By using this API, you can update information of monitoring suspension by VPN group ID and service contract ID.

To update monitoring suspension information

PUT /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}  

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Request Parameters [JSON]

Name Description Type Mandatory
insertDate Created date(JST) #1
e.g. 2019-01-01T00:00:00+0900
Date Yes
workId Work ID
e.g. 0001234567
Int Yes
workDateFrom Work start date #1#2
e.g. 2019-04-01T10:00:00+0900
Date No
workDateTo Work end date #1#2
e.g. 2019-04-30T23:59:59+0900
Date No
remarks Remarks
e.g. 「計画停電を予定」
String No
workEndIssue Work end issue
0:Don't issue a ticket 1:Issue a ticket
Int Yes

#1.Specify the time in JST.
#2.When you set second, it is allowed to set '00' or '59' only.

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
PUT /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/V12345678/N123456789     
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*

* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page.

Response Parameters

None ※Only HTTP header will be returned.

Example Result

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2019 09:00:00 GMT

Monitoring Suspension Delete

  By using this API, you can delete information of monitoring suspension by VPN group ID and service contract ID.

To delete monitoring suspension information

DELETE /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}  

Request Parameters [path variable]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Request Parameters [JSON]

Name Description Type Mandatory
insertDate Created date(JST) #1
e.g. 2019-01-01T00:00:00+0900
Date Yes
workId Work ID
e.g. 0001234567
Int Yes

#1.Specify the time in JST.

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
DELETE /v4/uno/monitoringsuspension/V12345678/N123456789     
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page.

Response Parameters

None ※Only HTTP header will be returned.

Example Result

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2019 09:00:00 GMT

Circuit Survey

  By using this API, you can get survey results of Arcstar Universal One filtered by VPN group ID and service contract ID in JSON format.

Circuit Survey

GET /v4/uno/circuitsurvey/{vpnGroupId}/{contractId}  

Request Parameters [query argument]

Name Description Type Mandatory
vpnGroupId VPN group ID
e.g. 'V'+8 digit number
String Yes
contractId Service contract ID
e.g. 'N'+9 digits number
String Yes

Example Request

GET /v4/uno/circuitsurvey/V12345678/N123456789
HEADER Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]*
* For details on acquiring tokens, please refer to the OAuth API page.

Response Parameters

No Name Description Type Mandatory
1 result Processing result String Yes
2 uniqueId Unique id String Yes
3 surveyTarget Judgment of whether to be survey String Yes
4 returnInfo result Object Yes
4-1 contractNumberAct Service contract Number(Act) String Yes
4-2 contractNumberSby Service contract Number(Standby) String Yes
4-3 baseName Location name String Yes
4-4 redundancyContract Redundant contract String Yes
4-5 network Customer's base network String Yes
4-6 sammarizeNetwork Customer's base summarize network String Yes
4-7 wanIp Base WAN's IP address String Yes
4-8 internetConnection Internet connection options String Yes
4-9 contractorName Contractor name String Yes
4-10 vpnNum VPN group number String Yes
4-11 repNNum representative service contract number String Yes
4-12 diagramBase Diagram(Base) Int Yes
4-13 diagramPing Diagram(Ping result) Int Yes
4-14 resultSummary Summary of survey results String Yes
4-15 resultSummaryCl Summary of survey results(color) String Yes
4-16 request Requests to customers String Yes
4-17 transmissionStatusAct Current state(main) String Yes
4-18 transmissionStatusSby Current state(Standby) String Yes
4-19 unotStatusSummary UniversaloneTerminal's state String Yes
4-20 alarmInfoMain Alarm information(main) String Yes
4-21 alarmTimeMain Time when the alarm occurred(main) String Yes
4-22 alarmContentsMain Alarm overview(main) String Yes
4-23 alarmMainteFlagMain Construction flags(main) String Yes
4-24 alarmNomonitoringFlagMain Unsupervised flags(main) String Yes
4-25 alarmInfoSub Alarm information(sub) String Yes
4-26 alarmTimeSub Time when the alarm occurred(sub) String Yes
4-27 alarmContentsSub Alarm overview(sub) String Yes
4-28 alarmMainteFlagSub Construction flags(sub) String Yes
4-29 alarmNomonitoringFlagSub Unsupervised flags(sub) String Yes
4-30 pastAlarmInfo Old alarm information String Yes
4-31 pastAlarmOccTime Old time when the alarm occurred String Yes
4-32 pastAlarmRcvTime Time of past recovery String Yes
4-33 pastAlarmContents Old alarm overview String Yes
4-34 pastAlarmMainteFlag Construction flags(old) String Yes
4-35 pastAlarmNomonitoringFlag Unsupervised flags(old) String Yes
4-36 maintenanceInfo Maintenance information String Yes
4-37 maintenanceSubject Maintenance subject String Yes
4-38 maintenanceFit Maintenance Fit String Yes
4-39 maintenanceStatus Maintenance state String Yes
4-40 maintenanceStartDate Time to start maintenance String Yes
4-41 maintenanceEndDate Time to end maintenance String Yes
4-42 maintenanceArea Area and service affected by maintenance String Yes
4-43 maintenanceContent Maintenance overview String Yes
4-44 troubleInfo Trouble information String Yes
4-45 troubleSubject Trouble subject String Yes
4-46 troubleFit Trouble fit String Yes
4-47 troubleStatus Trouble state String Yes
4-48 troubleOccDate Time when the trouble occurred String Yes
4-49 troubleRecDate Time when the trouble was recovered String Yes
4-50 troubleArea Area and service affected by Trouble String Yes
4-51 troubleContent Trouble overview String Yes
4-52 unotStatusresult Result of obtaining information from Universalone Terminal String Yes
4-53 lanIfSpeed LAN's IF speed String Yes
4-54 lanAddress LAN's address String Yes
4-55 nat Use NAT String Yes
4-56 endEndMonitor End-End Monitor String Yes
4-57 dhcpServer DHCP server String Yes
4-58 dhcpRelay DHCP relay String Yes
4-59 ipFiltaInfo IP filter infomation String Yes
4-60 coldStandby cold standby machine String Yes
4-61 currentTime Current tiome String Yes
4-62 lastStartUpTime Last start time String Yes
4-63 elapsedTime Time elapsed since startup String Yes
4-64 unot12IntIllustrationLan Ⅰ/ⅡType Interface diagram(LAN) [NXR-230,NXR-125] String Yes
4-65 unot12IntIllustrationWan Ⅰ/ⅡType Interface diagram(WAN) [NXR-230,NXR-125] String Yes
4-66 unot12IntIllustrationWan2 Ⅰ/ⅡType Interface diagram(WAN2) [NXR-230] String Yes
4-67 unot12IntIllustrationMobile Ⅰ/ⅡType Interface diagram(mobile) [NXR-230,NXR-125] String Yes
4-68 unot1EntryIntIllustrationLan ⅠType entry Interface diagram(LAN) [RTX810,RTX830] String Yes
4-69 unot1EntryIntIllustrationWan ⅠType entry Interface diagram(WAN) [RTX810,RTX830] String Yes
4-70 unot1EntryIllustrationWan2 ⅠType entry Interface diagram(mobile) [RTX810,RTX830] String Yes
4-71 unotLanPort1 LAN(port1) String Yes
4-72 unotLanPort2 LAN(port2) String Yes
4-73 unotLanPort3 LAN(port3) String Yes
4-74 unotLanPort4 LAN(port4) String Yes
4-75 unotWanContract WAN_contracts String Yes
4-76 unotWanLinkStatus WAN_Link state String Yes
4-77 unotWan2Contract WAN2_contracts [NXR-230] String Yes
4-78 unotWan2LinkStatus WAN2_Link state [NXR-230] String Yes
4-79 unotMobileContract Mobile_contracts String Yes
4-80 unotMobileLinkStatus Mobile_Link state String Yes
4-81 unotMobileStrength Mobile_Radio wave strength Int Yes
4-82 unotPingToUno UNO-Tping→Inside the net String Yes
4-83 unotPingToInternet UNO-Tping→Internet String Yes
4-84 unotName UNO-T type String Yes
4-85 errMaint error contents String Yes

Example Result

    "result": "success",
    "uniqueId": "20191029104057785",
    "surveyTarget": "調査対象",
    "returnInfo": {
      "contractNumberAct": "N123456789",
      "contractNumberSby": "N123456789",
      "baseName": "大手町ビル別館",
      "redundancyContract": "1台で2回線(固定回線+ワイヤレス)",
      "network": ",null",
      "sammarizeNetwork": "",
      "wanIp": "",
      "internetConnection": "無",
      "contractorName": "〇×株式会社",
      "vpnNum": "V12345678",
      "repNNum": "N123456789",
      "diagramBase": "10",
      "diagramPing": "01",
      "resultSummary": "Universal One ターミナルのLAN側ポートに接続されているお客様装置がございません。",
      "resultSummaryCl": "",
      "request": "お客さま宅内作業の有無や停電発生状況・ケーブル結線状況などをご確認いただき、レンタル機器の故障が疑われる場合弊社へお問い合わせください。",
      "transmissionStatusAct": "通信中",
      "transmissionStatusSby": "待機中",
      "unotStatusSummary": "Universal One ターミナルのLAN側ポートに接続されているお客様装置がございません。",
      "alarmInfoMain": "現在発生中のアラームはございません",
      "alarmTimeMain": "",
      "alarmContentsMain": "",
      "alarmMainteFlagMain": "",
      "alarmNomonitoringFlagMain": "",
      "alarmInfoSub": "",
      "alarmTimeSub": "72時間以内に発生したアラームはございません",
      "alarmContentsSub": "",
      "alarmMainteFlagSub": "",
      "alarmNomonitoringFlagSub": "",
      "pastAlarmInfo": "",
      "pastAlarmOccTime": "",
      "pastAlarmRcvTime": "",
      "pastAlarmContents": "",
      "pastAlarmMainteFlag": "",
      "pastAlarmNomonitoringFlag: "",
      "maintenanceInfo": "工事情報はございません",
      "maintenanceSubject": "",
      "maintenanceFit": "",
      "maintenanceStatus": "",
      "maintenanceStartDate": "",
      "maintenanceEndDate": "",
      "maintenanceArea": "",
       "maintenanceContent": "",
      "troubleInfo": "お客様拠点が含まれる地域で故障情報があります",
      "troubleSubject": "";
      "troubleFit": "可能性あり",
      "troubleStatus": "復旧済み",
      "troubleOccDate": "2019/10/26 19:50",
      "troubleRecDate": "2019/10/26 19:53",
      "troubleArea": "東京エリア/一部地域|特定加入者回線部分(光ネクスト)",
      "troubleContent": "特定加入者回線部分(光ネクスト)のアクセスポイントで、設備の故障により上記エリアで一部のお客様サービスがご利用できない状況が発生しておりましたが、現在は回復しております。該当サービスをご利用のお客様に対し、大変ご迷惑をおかけいたしましたことを深くお詫び申し上げます。|",
      "unotStatusresult": "",
      "lanIfSpeed": "Auto",
      "lanAddress": "",
      "nat": "未契約",
      "endEndMonitor": "未契約",
      "dhcpServer": "未契約",
      "dhcpRelay": "未契約",
      "ipFiltaInfo": "未契約",
      "coldStandby": "無",
      "currentTime": "2019/10/29 10:43:15 +09:00",
      "lastStartUpTime": "2019/10/24 15:11:36 +09:00",
      "elapsedTime": "4days 19:31:39",
      "unot12IntIllustrationLan": "",
      "unot12IntIllustrationWan": "",
      "unot12IntIllustrationWan2": "",
      "unot12IntIllustrationMobile": "",
      "unot1EntryIntIllustrationLan": "black|black|black|black",
      "unot1EntryIntIllustrationWan": "green",
      "unot1EntryIllustrationWan2": "green",
      "unotLanPort1": "Auto Negotiation (Link Down)",
      "unotLanPort2": "Auto Negotiation (Link Down)",
      "unotLanPort3": "Auto Negotiation (Link Down)",
      "unotLanPort4": "Auto Negotiation (Link Down)",
      "unotWanContract": "Main",
      "unotWanLinkStatus": "Auto Negotiation (100BASE-TX Full Duplex)|black|white",
      "unotWan2Contract": "",
      "unotWan2LinkStatus": "",
      "unotMobileContract": "BackUp",
      "unotMobileLinkStatus": "接続中",
      "unotMobileStrength": "5",
      "unotPingToUno": "OK",
      "unotPingToInternet": "OK",
      "unotName": "RTX810",
      "errMaint": ""

  1. Dec. 2014 currently, DNS round robin operation. Apr. 2015 or later, API request will automatically connect to geographically close API gateway