Maintenance API


This API allows you to control NTT Com Services Maintenance resources.

Resource URL

Please use global common domain, or the individual region domain.

If you want to use the global common domain, depending on the circumstances of your available points, your request connect to the nearest API gateway.

1.Base Path(Global Load Balance)

2.Base Path(Region)

  • region is jp|us|fr|sg
  • e.g.

Resource Information

Key Value
Response Format JSON
Authentication (OAuth) Yes
Bandwidth control#1 Yes
  • #1 implement appropriate flow restriction in the customer connection unit

Check maintenance infomation

GET /v1/business-process/maintenances

Request Parameters

Name Description type mandatory
serviceName Service Name#1 query argument Yes
  • #1 bdp-e,mss

Example Request

 GET /v1/business-process/maintenances?serviceName=mss

Response Parameters

Name Description type mandatory
contractId Service Contract ID String Yes
distinguishName Service Distinguish Name String Yes
endDate Maintenance End Date String Yes
maintenanceId Maintenance ID String Yes
maintenanceName Maintenance Name String Yes
serviceName Service Name     String Yes
startDate Maintenance Start Date   String Yes

Example Result

     "items": [
        "contractId": "N*********", 
        "distinguishName": "-", 
        "endDate": "2014-12-21T17:00:00Z", 
        "maintenanceId": "M*********", 
        "maintenanceName": "タイプ1定期稼動確認工事", 
        "serviceName": "Bizデスクトップ Pro Enterprise(タイプ1)", 
        "startDate": "2014-12-20T17:00:00Z"
   "resultCount": 1