Service Order API


This API allows you to control NTT Com Service Order.

Resource URL

Please use global common domain, or the individual region domain.

If you want to use the global common domain, depending on the circumstances of your available points, your request connect to the nearest API gateway.

1.Base Path(Global Load Balance)

2.Base Path(Region)

  • region is jp|us|fr|sg
  • e.g.

Resource Information

Key Value
Response Format JSON
Authentication (OAuth) Yes
Bandwidth control#1 Yes
  • #1 implement appropriate flow restriction in the customer connection unit

Check Service Order Status

GET /v1/business-process/service-orders

Request Parameters

Name Description type mandatory
serviceName Service Name#1 query argument Yes
  • #1 uno,ucaas,sip-trunking,mss,050plusbiz,ip-voice,smart-pbx,accs,bdp-e

Example Request

 GET /v1/business-process/service-orders?serviceName=uno

Response Parameters

Name Description type mandatory
contractId Service Cotract ID String Yes
serviceName Service Name String Yes
orderType Order Type Int Yes
offerPlanDate Provides Date String Yes
orderStatus Order Status Int Yes
orderRequestNum Order Request ID String Yes
resultCount Result Count Int Yes


Services Description
Arcstar Universal One in Japan 1: New 2: Change 3: Cancel
Arcstar Universal One in Global TBD
BDP-E,MSS,SIP,Trunking,UCaaS 1: New 2: Change 3: Cancel 4: Change(Only SIP Trunking,UCaaS)


Services Description
Arcstar Universal One in Japan 1: Received 2: Investigated 3: Access Line Constracted 4: Device Constracted 5: Complete
Arcstar Universal One in Global TBD
BDP-E 1: In Progress 2: COmplete
MSS 1: In Progress No Status: Complete
SIP Trunking, UCaaS 1: In Progress

Example Result


Check Service Order Detailed Information

GET /v1/business-process/service-order-details

This API is served for Service Order Detailed Information.
This API is available at 9:00 - 17:30(JST) of business day.
If you would use this API, you need to ask our sales parson or contact page after login.
When you login the developer portal, please select "Apply for service order detail API" at "Types".

contact page

Request Parameters

Name Description type mandatory
webentry_id Web Entry ID query argument
n_no Contract line number query argument
v_no VPN Group number query argument
data_update_date_from Update Date(from)※1 query argument
data_update_date_to Update Date(to)※2 query argument

※1,2 If you request without "Update Date(from)" and "Update Date(to)", APIGW sets "one month ago from request date" to "Update Date(from)".

Example Request

 GET /v1/business-process/service-order-details

Response Parameters

Name Description type mandatory
code Execution result code String Yes
detailCode Execution result detail code String Yes
detailMsg Result message String Yes
webEntryId WEB Entry ID String Yes
changeRelationNum WEB Entry sub ID String Yes
mainBackIdentifier Main/Backup flag String Yes
orderNum Order number String Yes
contractVpnNum VPN Group number String Yes
contractLineNumAppl Contract line number (Application) String Yes
contractLineNumDistribut Contract line number(Distribution) String Yes
darkId Dark fiber ID String Yes
quotationGroupId Quotain group ID String Yes
applYmd Application date String Yes
itemName Project name String Yes
contractorName Customer name String Yes
officeName Customer office name String Yes
kind Order Type String Yes
productName Product name String Yes
serviceName Service name String Yes
accsLineTypeMain Main access line type String Yes
lineSpeed Line speed String Yes
putPlaceZipNum Zipcode String Yes
putPlaceAddPrefectures State String Yes
putPlaceAdd City and address1 String Yes
putPlaceBuildingName address2 String Yes
putPlaceFloor Floor String Yes
putPlaceTel Phone number String Yes
saleChannelCode Sales channel code String Yes
customerDepartmentName Customer service department name String Yes
supportRequestStatus Application status String Yes
supportRequestActionYmd Application date String Yes
accsConstPresence Access line installation flag String Yes
universalOneTerminal Universal One Terminal String Yes
termConstDiv Terminal installation type String Yes
holdoutScheduleYmd Desired date of service String Yes
receptYmd Application date(First) String Yes
changeRelationReceptYmd Application date(Change) String Yes
fieldResearchStatus Site survey status String Yes
areaFieldResearchScheduleYmd Preferred date of site survey for access line String Yes
areaFieldResearchTimeZone Preferred time slot of site survey for access line String Yes
areaFieldResearchScheduleTimeZone Scheduled time slot of site survey for access line String Yes
areaFieldResearchWorker Operator of site survey for access line String Yes
areaFieldResearchObserver Witness of site survey for access line String Yes
areaFieldResearchActionYmd Implementation date of site survey for access line String Yes
comFieldResearchTimeZone Preferred time slot of site survey by NTT Communications String Yes
comFieldResearchExpectedDay Scheduled date of site survey by NTT Communications String Yes
comFieldResearchExpectedTimeZone Scheduled time slot of site survey by NTT Communications String Yes
comFieldResearchWorker Operator of site survey by NTT Communications String Yes
comFieldResearchObserver Witness of site survey by NTT Communications String Yes
comFieldResearchActionYmd Implementation date of site survey by NTT Communications String Yes
ancillaryConstPresence Appurtenant installation flag String Yes
continuityConstTrialStatus Connection test status String Yes
dfConstHopeYmd Preferred date for connection installation String Yes
continuityConstScheduleYmd Scheduled date for connection installation String Yes
continuityConstScheduleTimeZone Scheduled time slot for connection installation String Yes
continuityConstWorker Operator for connection installation String Yes
continuityConstObserver Witness for connection installation String Yes
continuityConstActionYmd Implementation date of connection installation String Yes
homeConstStatus Access line installation status String Yes
accsLineScheduleYmd Preferred date for access line installation String Yes
homeConstTimeZone Preferred time slot for access line installation String Yes
accsLineScheduleTimeZone Scheduled time slot for access line installation String Yes
homeConstWorker Operator for access line installation String Yes
homeConstObserver Witness for access line installation String Yes
accsLineActionYmd Implementation date for access line installation String Yes
termConstStatus Customer Edge router status String Yes
termConstScheduleYmd Preferred date of customer Edge router installation String Yes
termConstHopeTimeZone Preferred time slot of customer Edge router installation String Yes
termConstScheduleTimeZone Scheduled time slot of customer Edge router installation String Yes
termConstWorker Operator for customer Edge router installation String Yes
termConstObserver Witness for customer Edge router installation String Yes
termConstActionYmd Implementation date of customer Edge router installation String Yes
withdrawKbn Withdraw flag String Yes

Example Result

    "code": 200,
     "detailCode": "I01",
      "detailMsg": "正常終了しました。(検索結果:1件)" 
    "result": [
            "productName":"Universal One",
            "serviceName":"L2 代表",